22 Northumberland Road, Dublin D04 ED73, Ireland, EU

Expertise: Regulation of EU Investment Firms (June 2024)

MiFID II (Directive (EU) 2014/65) and MiFIR (Regulation (EU) 600/2014 ) regulate the authorisation and regulation (other than prudential regulation) of investment firms providing investment services or the undertaking of investment activities (such as the operation of a multilateral trading facility (MTF)) on financial instruments.

Prior to the implementation of the Investment Firms Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2019/2033 (IFR)) and the Investment Firms Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/2034 (IFD)), the CRR (Regulation 575/2013 (EU)) and the CRDIV (Directive(2013/36 (EU)) differentiated between 11 categories of investment firms (firms) for prudential regulation purposes.

As a result of the implementation of the IFR and the IFD, there are now three categories of firms for prudential regulation purposes:

Systemically important firms authorised as credit institutions under Article 8a of CRDIV and who remain subject to the CRR and CRDIV prudential requirements (Class 1 firms).

Article 1(2) (of the IFR) investment firms. These are authorised as investment firms under MiFID II and who also remain subject to the CRR and CRDIV prudential requirements (Class 1 minus firms). Broadly, these are investment firms which are not of systemic importance, that carry out the MiFID activities of dealing on own account or underwriting of financial instruments or placing of financial instruments on a firm commitment basis or both.

Investment firms authorised under MiFID II, who are not Class 3 firms, are subject to the full IFR and IFD prudential requirements (Class 2 firms). Investment firms, other than small and non-interconnected firms, must at all times have capital that amounts to the highest of:
  • Their fixed overheads requirement (FOR);
  • Their permanent minimum requirement. The permanent minimum requirement amounts to at least the levels of initial capital specified in Article 8 of the IFD.
  • Their K-factor requirement.
‘K‐factors’ mean own funds requirements set out in Title II of Part Three of the IFR for risks that an investment firm poses to clients, markets and to itself (Art 4(1)(26) IFR). K-factors are used in the classification of investment firms and in the new capital requirements methodology for investment firms.

Small and non-interconnected investment firms authorised under MiFID II and who satisfy all the requirements of Art 12 of the IFR (Class 3 firms). Reduced IFR and IFD prudential requirements apply to Class 3 firms. Broadly, Class 3 firms are required to hold minimum own funds based on the higher of their PMR (under the IFD/IFR the PMR is set equal to the Initial Capital Requirement (ICR), effectively setting the ICR as the minimum capital required) or their Fixed Overhead Requirement (FOR) (Article 11(2), IFR and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1455).

Application for an EU MiFID Authorisation

In May 2024, the Central Bank of Ireland (CBOI) published:

Authorisation Guidance Note for MiFID Investment Firms - Preliminary Meeting Pre-Application Presentation Under European Union (Markets in Financial Instruments) Regulations 2017 (S.I. 375 of 2017) (“MiFID II Regulations”) May 2024 accessible through this link >

Authorisation Guidance Note on Completing an Application Form for Authorisation as a MiFID Investment Firm Under European Union (Markets in Financial Instruments) Regulations 2017 (S.I. 375 of 2017) May 2024 accessible through this link > 

MiFID II - where we advise

Providing advice and drafting:

  • for the CBOI preliminary meeting pre-application presentation;
  • for the purposes of the CBOI MiFID II application;
  • on the meaning of investment services, ancillary services and financial instruments;
  • on CBOI corporate governance requirements and under CRD IV, the IFR and under IFD;
  • on MiFID II, MiFIR, IFR and IFD (including on liquidity and concentration risk), EU level 2 and level 3 measures and on their Irish implementations where applicable;
  • on Fitness and Probity (including on Minimum Competency);
  • on Management body obligations;
  • on Organisational requirements: three line defence, risk appetite statement, conflicts of interest, product governance (including sustainability), product approval, distribution and recommendation, business continuity, outsourcing, sound procedures and security mechanisms, Records, Safeguarding of client assets;
  • on Conduct of business rules: client classification, conflicts of interest, acting in the client’s best interests, product governance, information to clients, independent advice, Inducements, Remuneration, Bundled services, Suitability and appropriateness, Reporting to clients, Best execution, Client order handling, Tied agents;
  • on Data Protection, and DORA requirements.
  • on AML, Export Controls, Market Abuse and Sanctions.
For advice and drafting on applications under MiFID II, IFR and IFD and compliance generally on MiFID II, please contact the firm at:
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